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Position Summary

     Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Neurological Sciences Research Postdoctoral positions are available in the research laboratories of the Department of Neurology at Rutgers – Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and the RWJMS Institute for Neurological Therapeutics (RINT). The mission of the Institute is to conduct innovative and interdisciplinary translational research projects that lead to the elucidation of the molecular pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases and the development of novel therapeutics.Under the leadership of the Founding Director, M. Maral Mouradian, MD, postdoctoral fellows will work on projects ranging from molecular pathogenetic studies, therapeutic target identification, discovery of novel therapies, and the role of the gut microbiome in these diseases. 

      A major focus of the laboratory is Parkinson’s disease and related alphasynucleinopathies. Fellows will work as part of a highly integrated and collaborative research team utilizing a variety of laboratory techniques and approaches. The Institute is housed in a state-of-the art research building located in the Piscataway, New Jersey campus. Additional information is available at: http://rwjms.rutgers.edu/institutes/institute-for-neurological-therapeutics/mission

Minimum Education and Experience

      Applicants must hold a PhD, MD or MD / PhD in Neuroscience or Biology or a relevant science and a strong record of scholarly achievement. Priority will be given to outstanding applicants with a demonstrated record of productivity as first author on one or more scholarly peerreviewed publications. Desired training includes molecular and cellular neuroscience with experience in immunohistochemistry on brain tissues, molecular biologic and biochemical techniques including cloning, immunoprecipitation, protein-protein interactions, tissue culture, transfection methods, polymerase chain reaction, immunocytochemistry, protein purification, and modulating gene expression. 

    Experience working with mouse models of disease including genetically modified mice is also highly desirable. Interested individuals are encouraged to apply by submitting a curriculum vitae, a brief cover letter, and the contact information of three individuals who will provide letters of reference to: M. Maral Mouradian, mouradmm@rwjms.rutgers.edu

如果您有兴趣加入我们,请将您的简历发送给 Prof. M. Maral Mouradian (mouradmm@rwjms.rutgers.edu)。
