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Scholarship at the Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology

Project name
"Identification of functional roles of protein phase separation in aging" 
Scholarship period: The scholarship covers a period of 24 months.
Supervisor/contact person: Beidong Liu, 031-7862584, e-mail: beidong.liu@cmb.gu.se

•  To be eligible for a post-doc scholarship at the recipient must hold a PhD degree or equivalent education experience within a relevant field. The applicant must not have been employed at University of Gothenburg in the past two years.
•   Experience and knowledge required:
Plasmid extraction, transformation; mRNA extraction, primer designing, and real-time polymerase chain reaction; Purification of recombinant protein; Western blotting; Immuno-fluorescence staining; Microscopy imaging; Cell culture. Education and work experience in Microbiology is a merit. 
Written application, including reference number, is to be sent via e-mail to the supervisor and must include the following:
•   CV
•   Personal letter stating the reasons why the study suits the applicant (maximum one page)
•   List of publications
•   References (2) 
•   The scholarship is 23000-25000 SEK/month (tax free, about 210000-230000 CNY/year) 

Information regarding scholarships:
•  Scholarships do not give rise to sickness benefits, compensation from the Social Insurance Office or retirement pension.
•   The scholarship sum is paid out quarterly
•   Scholarships are tax-free
•  A scholarship holder cannot be hired after the scholarship period due to tax reasons.

课题组介绍详见:https://cmb.gu.se/english/about_ ... i#tabContentAnchor1
