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      英国利物浦大学Prof Luning Liu 课题组(www.luningliu.org)主要以模式光合生物蓝细菌、紫细菌、红藻为研究材料,采用分子生物学、生物化学和生物物理、合成生物学方法等,从分子和亚细胞水平研究光合生物膜的合成、结构和功能调节,以及细菌细胞微室(bacterial microcompartments)的组装和生物合成。通过了解蛋白质复合物和生物膜的自组装规律,深化对光合作用光能吸收、传递、转化和生物能源的产生机理及其环境适应机制的认识,从而为生物工程改造、生物能源、生物医药开发以及农作物基因改良提高产量提供重要的科学理论依据。科研成果先后在Nature Plants、Science Advances、Nature Communications, Nano Letters、PNAS、eLife、Molecular Plant、Plant Cell、Annual Review Microbiology、Trends in Microbiology、Current Opinion in Microbiology、Trends in Plant Science、Nanoscale、Plant Physiology、Mol Microbiol、BBA-Bioenergetics、J Biol Chem等国际主流期刊发表80多篇学术论文,13篇为选为封面文章。研究成果多次被ScienceDaily、ScienceNewsline、Phy.org、Nano Magazine等媒体报道。实验室共主持和参与30多个英国和欧盟科研项目,各项研究基金总计超1千5百万英镑。

Visualising the Assembly and Landscape of Photosynthetic Machinery using Atomic Force Microscopy
A postdoctoral position is now open in the lab of Prof. Luning Liu (
www.luningliu.org) at the Department of Biochemistry and Systems Biology, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom.

Project Description

Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic bacteria that play a crucial role in the ecology of the planet, and are also promising vehicles for solar-powered biotechnology. Cyanobacteria use an intricate internal membrane system called the thylakoid membranes to accommodate protein complexes involved in photosynthesis and respiration (1, 2). This project will use state-of-the-art atomic force microscopy (AFM) to unravel the large-scale thylakoid membrane architecture as well as the molecular basis underlying the local organisation, assembly, and remodelling of functional domains in cyanobacterial thylakoid membranes. It builds on our recent progress to study the structure, biogenesis, and regulation of thylakoid membranes from different model cyanobacterial species (3-6). Advanced knowledge will inform the bio-inspired design and engineering of novel organelles and nanoreactors. The study will lead to not only advanced knowledge of photosynthetic and respiratory electron transport mechanisms but also new strategies for "precision engineering" of photosynthetic membranes and cyanobacteria to empower sustainable biotechnology and biofuel production.


Qualified candidate should have a PhD in Biophysics/Nanotechnology or equivalent, and should have strong experience in atomic force microscopy imaging on biological samples. Knowledge in membrane/protein biochemistry would be an advantage.

The candidate should have demonstrated:

•   excellent scientific productivity, evidenced by high-quality research publications
•   enthusiasm, motivation, flexibility and confidence
•   be able to conduct independent and creative research
•  an analytical aptitude for devising innovative scientific or technical solutions
•   good inter-personal and communication skills, both oral and written

Employment and Personal Development

The annual salary is within the range of £36,386-£38,592. The postdoc researcher will work in a multidisciplinary research team across biology, physics and chemistry, supported by state-of-the-art infrastructure of the University (Bio-Imaging, Protein Production, Synthetic Biology, Structural Biology), and will work with collaborators in the UK, Europe, US, and Asia, which is a great opportunity for career development.

Application procedure

Please submit your application or make enquiries to Prof. Luning Liu (Email: luning.liu@liverpool.ac.uk, website: www.luningliu.org).

Your application should include the following documents:

•   Curriculum vitae, incl. educational qualifications, experience, skills and a list of publications
•   Motivation letter, incl. a brief summary of past and current research accomplishments
•   Names and contact details for 2-3 referees
