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您的位置:海外留学生网 >>加州大学河滨分校博士后2024年招聘


Openings for Postdocs

Postdoc positions are available in the group of Dr. Wenwan Zhong at University of California, riverside. The focus of our research is identification and detection biomarkers for disease diagnosis, as well as studying the biological functions of these markers. Our research findings have been reported by the journals JACS, Angewandte Chemie, Analytical Chemistry et al. Several of our postdocs and Ph.D. students have taken job offers from outstanding research universities and companies. Competitive salaries and benefits are offered for all postdoctoral researchers working in UCR. 

We are recruiting exceptional postdoc candidates with:
1)Excellent training and previous research experience in microchip fabrication and applications in biosensing, imaging, and/or separation
2)Passion for innovation and excellence; relentless pursuit of results and success 
3)Ability to collaborate and work in a team

If you are interested in joining us, please send your CV to Prof. Wenwan Zhong (email: wenwanz@ucr.edu). 
